Goodbye M1 iPad Pro 12 9” – 5 Reasons WHY!

In this blog, I will do my best to keep you up to date on what’s going on in the world of technology that I inhabit. I went out and bought my first iPad Pro, a 12.9-inch model. Even though I’ve been using it for approximately two weeks, I’ve concluded that this item must be retired. It serves no purpose for me. I only attended the most recent Apple Worldwide Developer Conference. That was the deciding factor in my decision to return this, although it does not allow Pro apps is not the primary reason.


I’ll go over the five various reasons I considered returning it. Then came today, the day that cemented the deal. Let’s have a look. Although not one of the five reasons, today’s Apple Worldwide Developer Conference was underwhelming. It did not provide Pro programs on a device equivalent to the MacBook Air. It indicates that you buy a device based on what it can perform now. Not what it could do. And while I purchased mine with the understanding that it would be capable of running Pro apps, my upgrading was for something more. It was because my 11-inch iPad Pro was a 2018 model. I was eager to try out the 12.9-inch model to see whether I could successfully transfer more of my workflow to that size. That’s all we’d need if we got our hands on the Pro apps. I discovered that the 11-inch iPad Pro, especially when paired with the keyboard, allowed me to complete a remarkable work. It simply raises the total worth of the item. I am aware that many people are unwilling to pay the charge, even though doing so would deliver substantially greater value. Most of the reasons I’m returning this item after over two weeks of use were evident even before today.

As a result, let’s go through them one by one. However, I’d want to note that it’s a fantastic iPad. The most notable feature is an expensive iPad that is also rather large. So, the scale is the problem. I cannot imagine myself doing it. You will not make a mistake if you purchase this if you want a larger and more aesthetically beautiful screen. It would help if you did not have to replace this device for a very long time. My 2018 is still functional, and a small part of me is wondering whether I should upgrade. If you want to learn more about the 12.9-inch, 11-inch, or any other sizes offered, I’ll include links in the description. I’ve previously made a passing reference to it. The key justification is the size. This is a tremendous undertaking. Tablets have always been something that could be readily transported. I’ll confess that I’m getting used to its size and weight, but when I compare it to my 11-inch screen, this one appears much smaller in contrast. When you think about it, the difference between these two is rather considerable.


The texture is similar to that of a tablet. This is more reminiscent of a laptop than anything else. So, dimensions. A substantial amount of that. Another aspect that adds to the 12.9-inch iPad’s abnormally huge look is the screen’s layout. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro uses a four-by-three grid arrangement, an older design that is more closely matched to a square format. It gains some height. As a result, giving the impression that it is larger. In contrast, the iPad Pro 11 inch has a screen size more akin to the popular 16:9 widescreen standard. You can tell the difference between the two. It is more restricted. The reading material is lightweight and easy to utilize. Because of its size and weight, this object is difficult to manage with one hand. Despite this, I have the sensation that things are improving. The cost is the second factor to consider. It costs $100 more than the entry-level MacBook Air and $300 more than the iPad Pro with 11 inches of screen real estate.

As a result, the price is high. The costs might be justified if it offered Pro apps and I could migrate my desktop programs to it. However, the price of this item is currently prohibitively expensive. When you add a keyboard, the device becomes a replacement for a laptop, raising the price even higher. The price difference between the 12.9-inch and 11-inch models can be used to purchase an Apple Watch, another Apple product, or even something that Apple does not manufacture. The screen is known as number three. It’s an amazing and lovely screen to look at. This is the closest thing to utilizing OLED without really using OLED, which is the current state of the art. It’s fantastic for watching things. However, it is not a $300 screen, in my opinion. People are likely to be disappointed by the screen’s appearance since they expect it to be capable of much more.


However, iPad displays have been stunning for many years. You begin with the basic model, which already has a beautiful appearance. As a result, it is not a major upgrade because the professionals have been looking for so long. As a result, I don’t need it. The upgrade from my 2018’s display to this brand-new XDR model. It is not particularly large. Carrying anything larger than you need to merely acquire that display technology is not worth it. As a result, you should go somewhere and compare them because if you’re not sure whether or not you want the larger size, you shouldn’t buy it only for the display if you’re undecided. I wanted to see that display. Therefore, I opted to buy this item. I was interested in how the larger size would influence my workflow, so I decided to try it. While I had intended to get even more out of it by using some Pro programs, it also featured these other valuable features swayed me. Thunderbolt is an additional means for connecting an external display. As a result, several factors contributed to my keen interest in this, but those factors were insufficient to keep me at a higher size.


On the iPad, iOS takes the fourth rank. Today, Apple announced some intriguing updates about the iPad OS. However, the software’s feature set is quite limited. This device packs a powerful punch. It’s like driving a Ferrari through a school zone, in my opinion. It cannot access and use the power when using the iPad Operating System. And the iPad’s operating system makes some tasks extremely tough. Since of these traits, every time I begin migrating my workflow to the new system, I instantly return to the MacBook Air because it is simply easier. If I changed the name of this file, for example, it would be a great example of what I mean. I must maintain my cool. I’ve prepared a menu. I chose the renaming option, but it took too long. On my Mac, all I have to do to change the file’s name is double-click on it. As a result, when I’m trying to move forward and get things done, managing in this manner is completely ineffective. So, not spectacular. Due to changes in layouts and the emergence of numerous monitors, multitasking gained several useful capabilities. As a result, it is improving, but there is still a schism, and the window apertures are too narrow. It destroys everything in its path. It is useful to be able to organize windows in a desktop layout.

Because of the limitations imposed by the iPad operating system on my work, I find that grabbing my laptop is the handier option. I just don’t have the patience to go through the extra steps required to get things working properly. Moving on to the size of the problem, cause number five is mobility. I’d like a tablet that can be held with one hand. I wrote it down somewhere. As a result, I suppose I must be careful where I set it. Simply said, it is enormous. It’s a massive weight. And it simply does not have the feel of a tablet. It appears to be a personal preference, at least in my situation. You might fall in love with it. A tablet, on the other hand, feels more mobile. It will fit in a small messenger bag or any other smaller bag I have. suitable for an 11-inch laptop. You decided to incorporate the keyboard. This item appears to be suitable for storing in a laptop bag. It is quite heavy. Simply said, that is excessive. In total, it’s just another laptop. One of the advantages of owning an iPad with an 11-inch screen is keeping my laptop in its bag while using the tablet instead. It is not something I desire. There is not enough room available.


I make something similar like this. I should be able to complete some tasks. It has been condensed. It is easily transportable. Another factor that leads to enhanced mobility is the shorter and more compact format. Simply holding it makes one feel better at ease. This variant is about a half-pound lighter than the 12.9-inch model. As a result, it weighs one-third the amount of the larger size. Mobility is critical, and I don’t want to forfeit the tablet experience because I’m trying to get a laptop experience from my iPad, which is limited by the iPad operating system. But that’s just my personality. I’m not making any criticisms. You do what you want with your iPad. They’re pretty cool. I also want to emphasize touch interfaces because I believe they are the way of the future. However, retraining is required, and many parts remain far too difficult. Now, I don’t want you to think there’s anything wrong with this iPad. If you don’t mind the higher price, don’t mind the larger size, want a great display, and want an iPad that will last you years, this is a fantastic alternative.

You are aware of the limitations imposed by iPad OS, and there is no need for you to investigate some of the other stuff. This may easily replace a laptop for many people, especially if you don’t require any specialized software. My favorites are dedicated applications. I believe the Surface Pro lacks a specialized app for everything, and I believe this is one of them. As a result, a genuinely excellent instrument. Simply said, it’s too big. And it’s just too much for me. I’m wondering if you have access to an iPad. If so, which ones exactly? I’d appreciate it if you could give this video a thumbs up if you’ve made it this far. It makes it simpler for more people to recommend it to others. The next step is to view this video over here so that you can get some help with getting the most out of your Apple TV. I’ll see you over there, and thank you for watching. Thank you very much. Bye.

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